East Building 3 Oracle Boulevarde,
Broadbeach, Gold Coast 4218
The aim of Root Canal Treatment is to save a badly decayed or infected tooth from needing to be extracted. Chewing, biting, appearance & the position of your teeth are all affected if you lose a tooth.
Root canal treatment involves cleaning out the inflamed & infected soft tissue deep inside the tooth that contains nerves & blood vessels. Each root canal is cleaned out & enlarged using special instruments called files. Medicaments are also placed inside the root canal to stop the pain & eliminate infection. You may need to come back a few times to complete the treatment. A filling or crown is then constructed to protect the treated tooth.
An infected tooth may be the result of:
• Extensive dental work to the tooth.
• Breakdown of a filling or crown.
• Deep decay
• Trauma
• Gum disease
• A crack in the tooth.
• Extreme wear.
Root canal treatment has a high success rate. If you take good care of the treated tooth, it may last for many years and possibly for the rest of your life. Our dentists at Oracle Dental are highly trained and experienced in performing root canal treatment.
If you are experiencing dental pain, contact Oracle Dental for an appointment. The earlier the treatment, the better the prognosis.
See our blog article: To root canal or not root canal, that is the question
Phone: 07 55317259
Fax: 07 55921271
Email: info@oracledental.com.au
Monday 8am – 4pm
Tuesday 8am – 4pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 4pm
Friday 8am – 4pm