East Building 3 Oracle Boulevarde,
Broadbeach, Gold Coast 4218

by oracle
To Root canal or not root canal that is the question………………
The aim of Root canal or Endodontic treatment, as it is known, is to save a badly decayed or infected tooth from needing to be extracted. This is done by cleaning out the inflamed & infected pulp, (the pulp is the soft tissue deep inside the tooth that contains nerves & blood vessels) using special instruments called files. Each root canal is cleaned out & enlarged. Medicaments are also placed inside the root canal to stop the pain & infection. You may need to come back a few times to complete the treatment. A filling or dental crown is then constructed to protect the treated tooth.
An infected pulp may be the result of:
• Extensive dental work to the tooth.
• Breakdown of a filling or crown.
• Deep decay
• Trauma
• Gum disease
• A crack in the tooth.
• Extreme wear.
Once the pulp of the tooth is infected, there are only two options; remove the infected tooth or a Root Canal treatment. This is one very good reason to get regular check – ups, make an appointment straight away if you break or chip a tooth, even if it doesn’t hurt & get any dental pain checked if it lingers for more than a couple of days. Problems if caught early can be more easily treated without affecting the pulp, preventing the need for a Root Canal………….
So should you have a Root Canal?
Many people choose to not have a Root Canal & have their tooth extracted instead; this can be due to cost, fear or lack of time. If you decide to replace a missing tooth, the best option these days is an implant (artificial tooth roots inserted into the jaw to replace the missing tooth). These are a fantastic alternative to Root Canal in many cases.
If you find yourself with a tooth that cannot be repaired by a simple filling, have a good discussion with your dentist which is the right course of treatment for you personally & if you decide to have a Root Canal make sure you have all the information you need so you are happy in your decision.
Related Tags: Dentist Gold Coast | Dental Crowns Gold Coast
Phone: 07 55317259
Fax: 07 55921271
Email: info@oracledental.com.au
Monday 8am – 4pm
Tuesday 8am – 4pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 4pm
Friday 8am – 4pm